
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Virtual Drum Set

  • Aplicación flash que simula una batería completa. Se controla mediante el teclaado numérico.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


  • Sitio muy interesante para las personas que están aprendiendo a tocar la flauta.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Guitar Chords

  • Sitio para iniciarte en la guitarra: acordes, escalas, afinado...

 Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


  • Sin necesidad de registro y con las opciones de edición básicas. Sólo tenemos que arrastrar la imagen para poder usar los controles, con secciones para aplicar filtros y corregir posibles problemas en los colores, contrastes e iluminación de la fotografía. Compatible con las últimas versiones de los navegadores, nos permite salvar el resultado, deshacer cambios y comparar la versión inicial con la final.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Grockit Answers

  • Grockit Answers es una herramienta para añadir preguntas y respuestas en momentos concretos de un vídeo de Youtube. Los vídeos se presentan en una interfaz independiente en la cual se van añadiendo cuestiones en los minutos exactos que nos interesan. Mientras se visualiza el vídeo las preguntas van apareciendo debajo, además también aparece la opción de la respuesta que será recibida por el administrador de la cuenta. El vídeo se puede compartir en diferentes redes sociales y a través de la URL. Grockit Answers es una herramienta interesante como complemento a explicaciones de clase, planteamiento de dudas, opiniones, etc. tanto para uso del profesor como de los alumnos.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Teacher Resources & Books for Teachers, Children's Book Recommendations & Student Activities |

  • Building Language for Literacy offers three nice little language activities from Scholastic. The activities are designed for pre-K and Kindergarten students. Leo Loves to Spell asks students to help a lobster named Leo identify the first letter of a series of spelling words arranged in a dozen categories. Reggie Love to Rhyme features a rhinoceros that needs help identifying the words that rhyme with objects found in places like the home, the garden, and the supermarket. Nina the Naming Newt needs help identifying the objects that belong in places like the home, the store, and the firehouse. Applications for Education The three activities found in Building Language for Literacy can be used individually by students or as part of a group lesson. According to Scholastic that the activities are optimized for use on interactive whiteboards. I learned about these activities through Kelly Moore's Techie Kids blog.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


  • Qwips is a new service for recording and sharing short voice messages. To record a message with Qwips just sign-in, click record, and start talking. You can record a message up to thirty seconds in length. When your message is complete, Qwips provides a URL for sharing your message. That URL can be shared anywhere you like including as an image caption. See my image and caption below as an example. Click to listen: Applications for Education Qwips could be used by students to create audio captions for pictures that they use in blog posts and webpages. Qwips could also be used by teachers to post short audio message reminders for students. For example, I could record a short "quiz on Tuesday" message and post it on my course blog for students.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


  • Another Place to Find Free Documentaries. 
    Applications for Education. If you're looking for a documentary to use in your classroom, take a look at DocumentaryZ. I do have one word of caution, the Health and Sexuality categories do include some topics that may not be appropriate for all students. Therefore, it would be best to use DocumentaryZ for your own searches rather than letting students search the site on their own.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.